SUSFOOD2 was an ERA-NET Cofund on sustainable food production and consumption with 26 partners from 15 countries.
The overarching goal of SUSFOOD2 was to reinforce the cooperation in research, development and innovation between EU member and associated states in order to make food systems more sustainable, resilient and secure. The SUSFOOD2 consortium has organised a cofunded call (2017) for transnational research projects on sustainable food production and consumption. Beyond this, other joint activities, like additional joint calls with CORE Organic and FOSC, workshops, and research and stakeholders’ events have been undertaken, and thus SUSFOOD2 has contributed to the establishment of a resource-efficient, sustainable bioeconomy in the European Research Area.
SUSFOOD2 goals were based on challenges for the field of sustainable food production and consumption. These goals include:
Duration: 2017 – 2022
Website: www.susfood
Contact: Nikola Hassan and Frank Hensgen
E-mail: and
Budget: € 14 269 217
Partners: A network of 26 funders from 15 countries or 3rd countries, two associated partners complement the network